Luck is often seen as something not under our control, a random twist of fate. But here at Black Clover Enterprises, we believe luck is not something that happens to us - it's something we create. By fusing perseverance, innovation, and the right mindset, we have built a platform where what we call "Live Lucky" becomes a key driver in our successes.
1. Embracing Opportunity Through Hard Work
While good fortune may seem like luck, we operate as if it were a process birthed from day-to-day consistent effort. Every opportunity that we have ever grasped at Black Clover Enterprises is a result of our hard work and proactivity. Whether that be taking on challenging projects or keeping up with new trends in the industry, we believe that the more we put into something, the more likely we are to get out of it - and that's often when we find that "lucky break."
2. Building the Right Relationships
There is an old adage: Good luck is that which comes at the crossing between preparation and opportunity. Here at Black Clover Enterprises, we only stress building quality relationships with customers, partners, and our associates. Networking is about more than just who you know; it's about cultivating those contacts to create value for one another. In many instances, down the road, such relations flower into opportunities one would never imagine - to opportunities that, indeed, do feel like pure luck.
3. Staying Resilient in the Face of Challenges
If there's one thing we have learned, it's that luck often comes after failure. We've had setbacks, and rather than seeing them as stumbling blocks, we found them to be stepping stones. So we adapted and found new ways to move forward, creating new opportunities for growth. And in so doing, we found that failure wasn't something opposite of luck; it was very much a part of making it.
4. Growing with a Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is at the foundation of how we approach making our own luck. We empower our people to view challenges as opportunities for learning. The more we invest in our people and the better equipped we become, the more we position ourselves for that next big opportunity—and quite often, that's when the "lucky" moment strikes.
5. Taking Calculated Risks
One of the core ways that we create our luck at Black Clover Enterprises is through strategic risk-taking. While we never leave anything to chance, we understand that sometimes stepping out of our comfort zone brings with it new possibilities. These calculated risks are often the catalyst for what feels like a stroke of good luck.
At Black Clover Enterprises, we don't wait for luck to find us; we go out and find it. We have learned that the best way to attract good fortune is to put ourselves in a position where it's more likely to find us, through hard work, resilience, meaningful connections, a growth mindset, and strategic risks. After all, luck is what you make of it, and we choose to make it our own.
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